Whether you travel to Chicago for the in-person meeting or follow the extensive livestreamed content from your office or home, join us for cutting edge science and top-notch epilepsy education at the AES Annual Meeting.
This year's meeting offers more than 100 hours of educational content--including more than 80 CME credits. Explore the full program below to find the sessions most relevant to your education needs and interests.
Scroll Down for a Searchable Session Directory
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W375e |
Epilepsy Specialist Symposium | Epilepsy Surgery: A Case Based Discussion of “State of the Art” AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This symposium focuses on the current state-of-the-art methods and procedures related to epilepsy surgery.
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W187 |
Career Skills | Nail that Interview and Land Your Next Job The interview is your best opportunity to ensure the position is the right fit for you and to demonstrate to potential employers why you are the best candidate for the job.
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W184 |
SIG | Children's Hour: Precision Therapies in Pediatric Epilepsy AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND The 2021 Children's Hour Special Interest Group explores recent advances in precision therapy in pediatric epilepsies, from diagnostic testing to drug development and gene therapy.
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W183b |
SIG | Genetics: Astute Clinical Observation vs. Data Analytics AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This session debates big data mining approaches (e.g., PELHS) against the astute observations of thoughtful clinicians (e.g., Charlotte Dravet).
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W375c |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This seminar will alert epilepsy providers about new FDA safety concerns regarding potential cardiac effects of lamotrigine and other sodium channel blocking ASMs, and to offer guidance for clinical care and communicating with patients.
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W183c |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND The 2021 Psychosocial Comorbidities Special Interest Group highlights identification and management of anxieties in epilepsy, with a focus on epilepsy-specific anxieties and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) anxiety diagnoses besides generalized anxiety disorder, such as panic disorder and phobias.
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W183a |
SIG | Status Epilepticus: The Broad Spectrum of Focal Status Epilepticus AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This Special Interest Group serves as a platform to discuss complex approaches in the diagnosis of focal status epilepticus, from insights into its pathophysiology and etiology, to clinical features and electroencephalographic (EEG) abnormalities.
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W186a |
Career Pathways | Clinical Care Participants may explore career options through three concurrent Career Pathways panels, each with a different emphasis: Research, Clinical Care, and Interprofessional Careers.
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W175 |
Career Pathways | Interprofessional Careers Participants may explore career options through three concurrent Career Pathways panels, each with a different emphasis: Research, Clinical Care, and Interprofessional Careers.
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W185b |
Participants may explore career options through three concurrent Career Pathways panels, each with a different emphasis: Research, Clinical Care, and Interprofessional Careers.
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Member Center |
These short, informal sessions are designed to provide an opportunity to engage with experts in a small group setting. Please join us for a lively discussion!
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W375e |
Annual Fundamentals Symposium | Individualizing Patient Care in Different Patient Populations AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND Epilepsy is not a monomorphic condition, and to achieve optimal patient outcomes, a provider must personalize care to the unique patient they are treating. A patient’s age, etiology for their seizures, and medical comorbidities all influence treatment and diagnostic testing options. In addition, treatment and diagnostic testing options for patients before, during, and after pregnancy need to be considered.
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W375c |
ILAE North American Symposium | Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence in Epilepsy Care AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND Articifical intelligence (AI) plays a unique role in the treatment of care of those with epilepsy. Explore the benefits afforded to clinical care teams in the assessment and treatment of epilepsy.
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Member Center |
Learn the Ropes: AES and Telehealth-What’s New? These short, informal sessions are designed to provide an opportunity to engage with experts in a small group setting. Please join us for a lively discussion!
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W183b |
SIG | Critical Care: An Update on NORSE and FIRES AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This year's Critical Care Special Interest Group focuses on the management of NORSE/FIRES in the intensive care unit (ICU).
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On-Demand |
Investigators Workshop | The Potential of CRISPR for Treating Epilepsies AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND Gene editing, notably clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeates (CRISPR), is an emerging field that has the potential to impact epilepsy treatments.
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W176 |
SIG | Neonatal: Neonatal Seizures Around the Globe—Accurate Diagnosis with Limited Resources This Special Interest Group session expands on recommendations for the early diagnosis and treatment of neonatal seizures, particularly those at high risk for seizures.
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W187 |
SIG | Sleep and Epilepsy: Stars and Seasons—The Impact of Epileptic Activity in Sleep The 2021 Sleep and Epilepsy Special Interest Group focuses on young investigators by pairing cuttingedge findings from these rising stars with background from more seasoned mentors
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W184 |
Epilepsy Fellowship Program Directors Meeting AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND The AES Epilepsy Fellowship Program Directors Meeting is an annual education activity that provides continuing medical education (CME) credits for program directors running fellow ships in epilepsy and clinical neurophysiology training programs. The session includes general updates for fellow ship program directors as well as opportunities for open discussion.
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W185b |
Investigators Workshop | Exercise in Epilepsy — Just Getting Warmed Up This workshop showcases the potential benefits and application of exercise in the management of epilepsy.
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W175 |
This Special Interest Group discusses novel mTOR signaling components, their dysregulation, and how and if they could serve as potential treatment targets.
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W186a |
This Special Interest Group assesses the role of EEG interictal epileptiform activity as a biomarker, the impact of interictal epileptiform activity on behavior and cognition, and the use of advanced analytical techniques, machine learning, and connectivity measures with interictal epileptiform activity.
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Member Center |
Learn the Ropes: Epilepsy Currents Editorial Process. These short, informal sessions are designed to provide an opportunity to engage with experts in a small group setting. Please join us for a lively discussion!
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W183c |
Investigators Workshop | Machine Learning in Clinical Epilepsy AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND Expand your understanding and application of machine learning (ML) in the care and management of epilepsy.
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W375e |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND Using a historical framework, this lecture highlights the progress that has been made in reproductive rights and pregnancy outcomes for women with epilepsy.
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W175 |
Career Skills | Social Media Dos and Don’ts This session presents arguments and considerations on the use of social media in the professional setting.
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W185b |
Investigators Workshop | Neurodegeneration in Epilepsy This workshop addresses the intersection of epilepsy, neurodegeneration, and cognition
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W183b |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This SIG encourages the use of novel techniques for accurate diagnosis and early treatment rather than later management, with the ultimate goal of better seizure control.
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W186a |
Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), and Responsive Nerve Stimulation (RNS)therapies are part of the epilepsy treatment toolbox. This Special Interest Group will cover the basic concepts of neuromodulation device therapies along with practical applications for patient selection, education, counseling, and clinic management.
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W375c |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND Presented entirely in Spanish, this symposium addresses the treatment and diagnosis of women with epilepsy. Presentado totalmente en Español, el simposio discute el tratamiento y diagnóstico de la epilepsia en la mujer.
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W190 |
In this symposium, thought leaders on the Hispanic American experience of healthcare will share current thinking and research about how health professionals may optimize care delivery and improve health outcomes for HPwE.
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W184 |
Basic Science Skills Workshop | Stem Cell-Derived Brain Organoid Approaches for Epilepsy Research AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This workshop presents the current state of stem cell-derived human brain organoid technologies with a focus on their use in epilepsy research.
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W196A/B |
The Unmet Medical Need in Epilepsy: The Therapeutic Potential of Potassium Channel Modulators The session will begin with a discussion of the unmet medical need for persons with epilepsy. The discussion will then focus on addressing that unmet need by presenting clinical evidence for a novel voltage-gated potassium channel allosteric modulator (Kv7 PAM) as an antiseizure treatment.
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W187 |
This workshop provides insights into the multifaceted benefits of computational modeling and how it can be used in epilepsy research.
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W192 |
Hot Topics in Developmental Epileptic Encephalopathies: Where We've Been and Where We're Going The goal of this program is to increase the awareness and ability of clinicians to select an appropriate anti-epilepsy therapy for patients with LGS, DS, and TSC.
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W176 |
SIG | Neuroimaging: Large Multicenter Databases–Big Data and Open Science This Special Interest Group reviews existing datasets in the era of multi-center neuroimaging databases, big data, and open science.
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W185a |
SIG | Practice Management: Building an Epilepsy Practice The 2021 Practice Management Special Interest Group focuses on topics essential to building an epilepsy practice in today’s complex and evolving world.
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W185d |
SIG | Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures: Virtual Tools for Non-Epileptic Seizures This Special Interest Group investigates using telehealth in the management and treatment of non-epileptic seizures.
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W375e |
Presidential Symposium | Recent Research Revolutions and Their Impact on Epilepsy Patient Care AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND The 2021 AES Presidential Symposium introduces recent advances in research on disease mechanisms, and interprets findings and progress through the lens of a practicing neurologist in the epilepsy clinic. These advances have the potential to impact patient care in the near term.
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Hall F1 |
Visit the AES exhibit hall to learn the latest on treatment options, diagnostics, epilepsy publications, the work of non-profit advocacy groups, and more—from nearly 125 exhibitors.
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Hall F1 |
Posters are grouped by general topic category at various times throughout the meeting. Poster authors available for discussion during each session.
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Expert Panel: Is It Time for Something Different in the Management of Dravet Syndrome? Join a panel of experts in Dravet syndrome as they discuss the management of this condition in clinical practice. In this engaging program, attendees will learn more about one of the latest treatment approaches for Dravet syndrome. Meals will be provided to attendees.
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W184 |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This workshop highlights recent efforts to characterize cognitive and affective abilities in individual patients, leveraging cutting-edge behavioral, imaging and electrophysiological techniques.
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W183b |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This session unmasks factors, such as neural damage and network abnormalities, to help prevent Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP).
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W183a |
Investigators Workshop | Epilepsy Health Disparities AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND Now more than ever, focus on health disparities is needed and overdue in the care, treatment, and research of epilepsy.
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W187 |
Investigators Workshop | Memory Mechanisms in the Epileptic Brain This session explores ways to improve memory and cognition in temporal lobe epilepsy.
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W185b |
Investigators Workshop | Quantitative Analysis of Epileptic Networks at Cellular Resolution This workshop showcases the power of computational modeling, perturbation simulations, and network science for studying large-scale epileptic networks at single-cell resolution.
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W474 |
This workshop invites a timely and multi-disciplinary dialog on the topic of anatomical, structural, and neurodevelopmental consequences of fetal antiseizure medication (ASM) exposure.
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W186a |
SIG | Engineering and Neurostimulation: Next Generation Approaches for Neurostimulation in Epilepsy This Special Interest Group focuses on the advances of neurostimulation research across various fields of study
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W176 |
SIG | Seizures in Autoimmune Encephalitis: Continuation Proposal Seizures in Autoimmune Encephalitis Seizures in auto-immune encephalitis can be challenging to diagnose and manage.
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W183c |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This session covers major procedural services provided by epileptologists, including a review of the long-term EEG/VEEG monitoring CPT Codes that took effect on January 1, 2020.
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W375e |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This session investigates electrical status epilepticus in sleep (ESES) and explores the potential for early diagnosis of at-risk patients to improve outcomes.
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W375c |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This symposium delves into the multi-faceted management of epileptic seizures across the age spectrum.
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W475 |
Career Skills │ Mentoring: How to be Your Best Advocate for Mentoring This session helps you maximize the benefits of mentorship along your career.
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W175 |
Investigators Workshop | Emerging Roles of Hypothalamus in Epilepsy and Comorbidities This workshop highlights the role of the hypothalamus in epilepsy and multiple comorbidities.
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W471 |
Investigators Workshop | The Chronobiology of Epilepsy This session examines variations in epilepsy cycles and how understanding cycles may translate to improved diagnosis and treatment.
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TV News Anchor, Sarah Carlson’s Epilepsy Journey with XCOPRI This session will feature an overview of Xcopri and a conversation between Dr. Michael C. Smith and his patient, Sarah Carlson. They will discuss the impact of epilepsy on Sarah’s life and discovering the possibility of zero seizures.
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Member Center |
Talk Back: The Digital Debate: Transferring Online Education to Real Life Practice. These short, informal sessions are designed to provide an opportunity to engage with experts in a small group setting. Please join us for a lively discussion!
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Member Center |
Learn the Ropes: Epilepsy Leadership Council-what we do and how to get involved. These short, informal sessions are designed to provide an opportunity to engage with experts in a small group setting. Please join us for a lively discussion!
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W176 |
SIG | Epilepsy and Aging: Late-Onset Epilepsy–A Unique Clinical Entity This Special Interest Group examines late-onset epilepsy as a unique disease of study.
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W184 |
SIG | Temporal Lobe Club: The Network in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This Special Interest Group focuses on the aspects of the network underlying Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (mTLE).
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On-Demand Only |
Special Lecture | CDC Public Health Workshop AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND Limitations in the number and geographic distribution of epilepsy specialists are major reasons for delays in access to appropriate care for people with epilepsy. Varied community service providers remain insufficiently trained to provide epilepsy-specific support.
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W190 |
Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies: Emerging Approaches to Treatment This symposium will highlight three DEEs focusing on phenotypic manifestations and approaches to the diagnosis and management of patients.
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W196 a/b |
The session will describe the pathophysiology and genetic cause of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) and its cutaneous manifestations, with the goal of orienting specialists to the dermatological aspects of what is typically seen as an outward-facing neurological disorder.
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W192 |
Rare Epilepsies and Advances in Diagnoses (READ)
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W470a |
Join us to view a collection of the participant program partners BioMarin, Invitae, Stoke, Xenon, Biogen, Encoded, Praxis, PTC and Neurocrine’s scientific and research data.
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W474b |
An Update on Mechanisms, Efficacy, and Safety in the Treatment of Epileptic Encephalopathies
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W470b |
Eisai will provide a variety of research updates.
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W474a |
UCB, Leading with Science: From Established Therapies to New Approaches A time to engage around UCB scientific research including real-world evidence and updates on clinical data.
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W471 |
There will be two concurrent sessions of selected key scientific abstracts. Authors will present a 10-minute overview of their work followed by a five-minute Q&A session.
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W475 |
There will be two concurrent sessions of selected key scientific abstracts. Authors will present a 10-minute overview of their work followed by a five-minute Q&A session.
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W375e |
Annual Course | How to Help Patients Live with Epilepsy AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This day-long course presents contemporary issues in the treatment and care of patients with epilepsy and covers topics such as access to care, health equity, telehealth, as well as address comorbidities in epilepsy and updates in the treatment of epilepsy.
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W183b |
Investigators Workshop | Functional and Medical Outcomes After Large Pediatric Epilepsy Surgeries AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This workshop examines the post-operative implications of large epilepsy surgeries on children and their caregivers and offers strategies for clinicians to address patient outcomes.
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W184 |
Investigators Workshop | Therapeutic Benefits of Targeting Neuropeptides in Epilepsy AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND Neuropeptides have long been known to be key modulators of neurological function. Moreover, several key neuropeptides have been identified as playing an important role in epilepsy pathophysiology.
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W375c |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This symposium aims to present basic science and expanding clinical applications of targeted genetic-based therapy.
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On-Demand Only |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This Special Interest Group examines the benefits of natural language processing in electronic health records for precision epilepsy treatment and care.
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W176 |
SIG | Neuroendocrinology: The Impact of Stress on Epilepsy Outcomes This Special Interest Group explores the impact of stress on epilepsy treatment outcomes.
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W175 |
Investigators Workshop | Apnea Without Dyspnea Due to Stimulation of the Amygdala This workshop reviews the evidence that seizure-invasion of the amygdala can cause central apnea.
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W183a |
Investigators Workshop | Disorders of GABA Metabolism AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This session examines the breakthrough approach of personalized targeted therapies for inherited metabolic epilepsies.
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W185b |
Investigators Workshop | Somatic Genetics of Neocortical Epilepsy: SLC35A2 This session investigates the impact of SLC35A2 on non-lesional neocortical epilepsy (NLNE), a difficult-to-treat epileptic disorder.
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W183c |
SIG | EEG: The Problem of EEG Over-Interpretations – Causes, Consequences, and Solutions AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This Special Interest Group reviews the causes and consequences of over-reading EEG records.
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W186a |
SIG | Epilepsy Education: E-learning in Epilepsy in the Times of Pandemic and Beyond The coronavirus pandemic and global lockdown posed a major challenge for traditional teaching methods. In response, e-learning tools and programs have been incorporated into postgraduate medical education.
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Hall F1 |
Visit the AES exhibit hall to learn the latest on treatment options, diagnostics, epilepsy publications, the work of non-profit advocacy groups, and more—from nearly 125 exhibitors.
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Member Center |
Learn the Ropes: AES Special Interest Groups: how they work and how to get involved. These short, informal sessions are designed to provide an opportunity to engage with experts in a small group setting. Please join us for a lively discussion!
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Hall F1 |
Posters are grouped by general topic category at various times throughout the meeting. Poster authors are available for discussion during each session.
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Member Center |
Learn the Ropes: AES Resources & Programs for Basic Scientists. These short, informal sessions are designed to provide an opportunity to engage with experts in a small group setting. Please join us for a lively discussion!
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W375b |
Basic Science Poster Session and Lunch This session features the most exciting and innovative studies focused on understanding the basic mechanisms of epilepsy and using cutting edge approaches to understand and treat the mechanisms of epilepsy.
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Collaborative Approaches to Centering Seizures in CDD Unbranded educational program on the importance of centering seizure control within the constellation of comorbidities as essential to overall CDD management
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Member Center |
Learn the Ropes: AES Resources & Programs for Clinical Scientists. These short, informal sessions are designed to provide an opportunity to engage with experts in a small group setting. Please join us for a lively discussion!
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Member Center |
Learn the Ropes: AES Research Grants: Your Questions Answered. These short, informal sessions are designed to provide an opportunity to engage with experts in a small group setting. Please join us for a lively discussion!
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W175 |
Investigators Workshop | Thalamic Neuromodulation in Focal and Generalized Epilepsies This session delves into the role of the thalamus and the potential for therapeutic interventions targeting the thalamocortical network.
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W185b |
Investigators Workshop | Clinical Applications of Functional and Effective Connectivity in Epilepsy This workshop engages and informs attendees of clinical uses in computational measures of connectivity in the epileptic brain.
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W176 |
This session uses animal models to understand post-traumatic epilepsy and presents new technologies and techniques found in the research.
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W183b |
SIG | Pediatric Epilepsy Case Discussions: Diagnostic and Treatment Challenges AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This session highlights the importance of precision medicine and treatments for pediatric epilepsy.
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W184 |
SIG | Stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG): The Stereo-EEG Approach to MRI-Negative Epilepsy AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This Special Interest Group covers the best approach for patients with MRI-negative epilepsy with planned pre-surgical evaluation with SEEG.
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W470b |
SK life science Special Scientific Exhibit and Posters Attendees will learn about cenobamate's longer-term clinical profile and use in non-clinical study populations
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W471 |
There will be two concurrent sessions of selected key scientific abstracts. Authors will present a 10-minute overview of their work followed by a five-minute Q&A session.
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W475 |
There will be two concurrent sessions of selected key scientific abstracts. Authors will present a 10-minute overview of their work followed by a five-minute Q&A session
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W183c |
SIG | Global Health: Overcoming Hurdles to Sustainable Care During a Pandemic AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This Special Interest Group addresses the multi-faceted challenges presented in a pandemic for the treatment and care of epilepsy.
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W183a |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This Special Interest Group covers the range of topics and studies related to epilepsy in cerebrovascular disease and stroke.
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Member Center |
Learn the Ropes: How to Make the Most of Your Member Benefits. These short, informal sessions are designed to provide an opportunity to engage with experts in a small group setting. Please join us for a lively discussion!
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Member Center |
Learn the Ropes: APPs and getting involved in organizing and managing Neuromodulation Clinics. These short, informal sessions are designed to provide an opportunity to engage with experts in a small group setting. Please join us for a lively discussion!
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W375c |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This session will feature a panel presentation and participant interaction focusing on the Management of Infantile Epilepsy Systematic Review Draft Report produced by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Effective Healthcare Program.
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W375b |
Poster Session | Better Patient Outcomes Through Diversity Please join AES for an hour of learning and networking—plus refreshments!—at this poster session, which spotlights research relating to the needs of underserved populations along with showcasing the work of accomplished investigators who identify with underrepresented groups.
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W190 |
Novel Neurochemical Pathways in the Pathogenesis of Developmental Epileptic Encephalopathies This symposium will review the evidence from recent research suggesting that two novel neurochemical pathways, serotonergic and Sigma-1, may play a critical role in these conditions, including epileptogenesis, SUDEP and neurodevelopmental outcomes.
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W196 a/b |
The Evolution of Drug Resistant Epilepsy Treatment Options over the Past Century The goal of this symposium is to juxtapose pharmacological and surgical options for treating DRE, while also presenting what biomarkers are available currently.
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W192 |
Advances in Seizure Rescue Therapies and Recommendations for Seizure Action Plans This symposium is designed to educate members of the AES audience and other HCPs who are involved in the care for patients with seizures about the importance and details of SAPs and the use of current seizure rescue therapies.
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NAEC Annual Meeting
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On-Demand Only |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This Special Interest Group examines the impact of cognitive behavioral therapy in the adult and pediatric patient and caregiver population.
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W185a |
This Special Interest Group spotlights funding opportunities in the non-profit space for junior investigators.
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W470b |
Epidiolex® (CBD) Treatment Outcomes, Safety, and Real-world Evidence The most recent safety and efficacy data on Epidiolex® (CBD)
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W474b |
Investigational Ganaxolone in the Treatment of Refractory Seizure Disorders Learn about Marinus' current findings of ganaxolone in the treatment of rare acute and chronic seizure disorders
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Hall F1 |
Posters are grouped by general topic category at various times throughout the meeting. Poster authors available for discussion during each session.
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W471 |
There will be two concurrent sessions of selected key scientific abstracts. Authors will present a 10-minute overview of their work followed by a five-minute Q&A session.
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W475 |
Platform F – Clinical Research There will be two concurrent sessions of selected key scientific abstracts. Authors will present a 10-minute overview of their work followed by a five-minute Q&A session.
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W375e |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND Hear from a panel of experts covering topics including research on channels to whole brain, how modeling can inform understanding of disease mechanisms, and patient management that highlights the power of collaborative multidisciplinary approaches to impact clinical care.
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W184 |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This Special Interest Group focuses on applying seizure semiology for seizure localization.
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W183b |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This Special Interest Group examines the use of magnetoencephalography (MEG) in the pre-surgical evaluation for epilepsy treatment in three aspects: expectations, the science, and clinical interpretation.
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W176 |
Special Lecture | ILAE-WHO Session: Global Actions on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders The session will focus on the landmark Resolution of the 73 World Health Assembly (WHA) and the Draft of the 10-years Intersectoral Action Plan for Epilepsy and other Neurological disorders, which address the current significant gaps in prevention, early detection, care, treatment and rehabilitation of persons and families living with epilepsy and other neurological disorders, and the ongoing need for research in these domains.
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W183c |
SIG |Epilepsy Surgery: The Learning Curve of Laser Ablation for Epilepsy AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This Special Interest Group investigates the latest advances in laser ablation.
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W183a |
Special Lecture | Telehealth: One Year and More After COVID-19 AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This session highlights the impact of telehealth in patient care management during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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W375c |
Advanced Practice Provider Symposium│ Crucial Conversations: When, Why, and How AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This symposium presents the blueprints for when, why, and how a clinicial care provider should address crucial health topics in epilepsy. Crucial topics include new diagnoses, SUDEP, functional seizures, pregnancy planning, and hormonal therapy for LGBTQ persons with epilepsy also on anti-seizure medication
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Hall F1 |
Visit the AES exhibit hall to learn the latest on treatment options, diagnostics, epilepsy publications, the work of non-profit advocacy groups, and more—from nearly 125 exhibitors.
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W187 |
This session will showcase selected scientific abstracts focused on topics in clinical care and research in pediatric epilepsy. Authors will present a six-minute overview of their work.
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W183b |
SIG | Pregnancy Registry Outcomes: Pregnancy Data Outcome Update AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This Special Interest Group reviews and updates attendees on the latest pregnancy outcome data from international studies and registries.
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W184 |
SIG│ SUDEP: Failure to Autoresuscitate AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This Special Interest Group highlights important topics that link the current knowledge of autoresuscitation, chemoresponsive brain regions, respiration, epilepsy and Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP).
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W375e |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This lecture will review recent studies demonstrating that seizures induce activity-dependent expression of ∆FosB, a transcription factor with an unusually long half-life, which epigenetically suppresses the expression of target genes that are critical for plasticity and memory.
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W183c |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This Special Interest Group features a holistic approach to the evaluation of Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies.
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W183a |
SIG | Tumor-Related Epilepsy: A Focus on Low Grade Gliomas AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This Special Interest Group provides an update in the diagnosis and management of tumor-related epilepsy for low grade gliomas.
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W375e |
Hot Topics Symposium | Epilepsy and COVID 2021 AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This symposium discusses the current status of the pandemic and its impact on people with epilepsy.
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W375c |
Special Lecture | Dialogues to Transform Epilepsy AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND Dialogues to Transform Epilepsy is a special lecture that brings leaders in cutting-edge neuroscience to the epilepsy research community and transforms how to think about understanding and treating epilepsy.
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On-Demand |
SIG | Dietary Therapies for Epilepsy: Therapy Innovations and Ketogenic Diet Mechanisms AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This Special Interest Group explores two areas of dietary therapy research and practice.
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On-Demand Only |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND Back by popular demand, the Epidemiology Special Interest Group features mixed-format presentation in two distinct parts.
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W185d |
SIG | Quality and Safety: Continuous EEG/LTM–Who Do We Monitor vs. Who Should We Monitor? This Special Interest Group explores both academic and practical aspects in the application of cEEG, particularly with how cEEG is currently being utilized and opportunities to refine use of cEEG.
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W175 |
SIG | Neuropsychology: Reimagining Memory–Transient Amnesia, Long-Term Forgetting, Early Dementia This Special Interest Group is focused on the diagnosis of memory disorders in patients with epilepsy across the lifespan.
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On-Demand |
SIG | Professional Wellness in Epilepsy Care: Professional Wellness in Epilepsy Care AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This Special Interest Group highlights initiatives that successfully promote professional health in the workplace.
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W185b |
SIG │ Neuropharmacology: Managing Breakthrough Seizures–An Art or Science? This Special Interest Group addresses the nuanced management of breakthrough seizures.
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W375e |
Epilepsy Therapies Symposium | Intractable Generalized Epilepsies: New Approaches to an Old Problem AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This symposium will review approaches to treatment of refractory generalized epilepsies, including medical, surgical, and dietary therapies.
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W375c |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This symposium highlights several innovative translation initiatives to gather insight into bench-to-bedside pathways and barriers.
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W184 |
Clinical Skills Workshop | Genetics Testing in Epilepsy Patients AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This interactive workshop reviews available testing platforms and outlines case scenario-driven testing algorithms. The aim is to provide practical clinical guide in selecting patients, testing methods, and the workflow involved in ordering, submitting, and reporting genetic tests.
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W183a |
AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND This is an interactive workshop where cases are presented to illustrate different problems to be solved by defining a region of epileptogenesis.
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W187 |
Clinical Skills Workshop | Neurostimulation in Epilepsy This workshop discusses the trials and post-marketing experience that established the tolerability and efficacy of these devices, and instructs on how to use them effectively. Hand-on experience for interrogating and programming the devices will be covered.
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W185a |
With an emphasis on self-management, this skills workshop focuses on the non‐conventional (or non‐standard) medical treatments, surgical procedures, dietary approaches, and other non‐pharmacological treatment approaches that may have a role in current management of the epilepsies.
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W185d |
Clinical Skills Workshop | Implementing Evidence Based Epilepsy Self-Management Programs This workshop will share implementation strategies that epilepsy center teams (APRNs, MDs, neuropsychologists) can utilize to provide self-management programs to their patient population with the support of Managing Epilepsy Well (MEW) teams.
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W176 |
Clinical Skills Workshop | Treating Patients with Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures This interactive workshop examines the role of the neurologist and of mental health providers in the diagnosis and management of patients with PNES. Speakers discuss common obstacles that preclude proper treatment and possible pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic interventions.
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W176 |
Clinical Skills Workshop | Genetics Testing in Epilepsy Patients This interactive workshop reviews available testing platforms and outlines case scenario-driven testing algorithms. The aim is to provide practical clinical guide in selecting patients, testing methods, and the workflow involved in ordering, submitting, and reporting genetic tests.
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W185bc |
This is an interactive workshop where cases are presented to illustrate different problems to be solved by defining a region of epileptogenesis. Participants work in groups to provide a consensus intracranial study. An experienced epileptologist will provide their institution's approach to the case and will describe the outcome.
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W186a |
Clinical Skills Workshop | Optimal Use of Neuroimaging in Diagnosing and Treating Epilepsy This interactive workshop reviews pre-surgical cases and the techniques used to diagnose epilepsy, emphasizing both basic MRI customized for epilepsy and advanced neuroimaging techniques. Speakers present a rational approach to the use of neuroimaging and highlight techniques that enhance diagnostic ability.
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W185a |
Clinical Skills Workshop | Misadventures in EEG This workshop covers common and uncommon sources of EEG misreading, their potential implications, and how to avoid these systemic errors.
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W185d |
This workshop uses a case-based approach to educate epilepsy clinicians on key principles of the identification and pharmacologic management of comorbid mood and anxiety disorders in the outpatient epilepsy clinic.