Investigators Workshop | Quantitative Analysis of Epileptic Networks at Cellular Resolution
Saturday, December 4, 2021
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This workshop showcases the power of computational modeling, perturbation simulations, and network science for studying large-scale epileptic networks at single-cell resolution.
The speakers discuss recent studies deploying these complex quantitative tools applicable to the broader community, with particular focus on how individual neurons and microcircuits functionally influence networks and drive pathological behavior. These presentations emphasize diverse modeling-centric research that collectively yield novel mechanistic insights of underlying disease pathophysiology and propose clinically relevant predictions that will advance the goal of cellular-scale control of epileptic circuits.
Learning Objectives:
Following participation in this activity, participants will be able to:
- Apply advanced quantitative tools for modeling and analyzing large-scale epileptic networks at single-cell resolution
- Interrogate models and extract core cellular and microcircuit features that drive pathological network dynamics
- Present critical insights and predictions that accelerate the goal of cellular scale control of epileptic networks
Moderators: Sarah Muldoon, PhD and Ethan Goldberg, PhD
Speakers: Darian Hassan Hadjiabadi, MSE, Sadra Sadeh, PhD, and Zhenrui Liao, BS